
Guidelines for

The Richmond Golf Club Women Members



To promote and support the participation of women and girls at the Richmond Golf Club.


The business and affairs of the Lady Members shall be vested in the committee which shall consist of:

One (1)            President

One (1)             Captain

One (1)             Secretary

One (1)             Treasurer

Four (4)           Committee women


The Committee will be elected annually at the Annual General Meeting.

  • Nominations for the election must be proposed and seconded at such meeting.
  • The only persons entitled to vote and nominate for positions on the Committee are Life Members and financial Women Members.
  • In the case where there shall be more than the required number nominated for election, a ballot shall take place at such meeting, the type of ballot to be at the Chairperson’s discretion. If two or more nominees obtain an equal number of votes the Chairperson of the Meeting shall select by lot those nominees who are to be members of the Committee.
  • The Officers and Members of the committee shall retire every year at the Annual General Meeting of the Women Members and shall if not disqualified by any By-Law be eligible for re-election.
  • The newly elected committee shall take up their duties in the next calendar year.


The Annual General Meeting shall be held once in each and every calendar year.  Notice of the date and time of such meeting to be placed on the Women’s Notice Board at the Golf Club one (1) month prior to such meeting.  The quorum for such a meeting shall be fifteen (15).

If a quorum is not present within thirty (30) minutes of the time fixed for an Annual General Meeting the meeting shall be adjourned to the same day in the next week at the same time and place.

If at the adjourned meeting a quorum is not present within thirty (30) minutes from the time appointed for the meeting the members present shall be a quorum.

The Committee shall meet at least once in every calendar month, unless in recess, for the transaction of business, at a day to be determined by such Committee.

The quorum for such a meeting shall be a majority of the committee numbers.

The committee may call an Extraordinary Meeting when any question of urgent importance arises.  At least fourteen (14) days’ notice of any such Extraordinary Meeting specifying the business to be transacted and the day, time and place of the meeting will be placed on the Women’s Notice Board at the Golf Club.  The quorum for such a meeting shall be fifteen (15).

If a quorum is not present the meeting will be dissolved.

At any Annual General Meeting or any other meeting of the Women Members every such Woman Member qualified to attend shall have one (1) vote and such vote must be made in person.

Every question submitted to an Annual General Meeting shall be decided in the first instance by a show of hands or a poll and in the case of equality of votes the Chairperson shall have a casting vote in addition to the vote to which she is entitled as a member.

At all meetings the President shall preside if present or in her absence the Vice President or any other duly appointed committee member shall preside and shall be an ex-officio member at such sub-committee meetings.


(a)The Committee have the power to grant leave of absence to any Committee Member and may appoint if necessary one of its Members to act in her stead during her absence.  Any such person appointed shall retain office as long as the person granted leave of absence would have retained that position.

If any of the Committee Members shall die or fail to attend three (3) consecutive committee meetings without leave of absence, or if she shall signify in writing her desire to resign, or shall cease to be a member of the Club for any reason, her position shall be declared vacant by the Committee.  In such an instance the committee may at their discretion appoint a duly qualified Woman member to be her successor to hold office until the next Annual General Meeting of the Women Members.       

(b)        All complaints shall be made in writing to the Women Member’s Secretary for attention by the Committee.

(c)        Women Members shall be bound by the Rules of the Richmond Golf Club and to the directions of the Richmond Golf Club Management Committee.

(d)        The Rules of the Game of Golf as adopted from time to time by the Royal and Ancient Golf Club of St. Andrews except so far as they be modified by the Rules of the Richmond Golf Club shall be observed.

(e)        Life Members and Patrons may be appointed from time to time upon a recommendation being made to the Richmond Golf Club Management Committee and subject to their approval before being voted on at the Women Member’s Annual General Meeting, requiring a two-thirds majority of those present at such meeting and being entitled to vote.


July 2022